The Wanderpreneurs - A Full Time RV Family Travel Blog

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Coeur d'Alene, Idaho

Pictures coming soon!

One of Aaron’s childhood friends and his family live in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, and it was on our route to Yellowstone, so we decided to visit and were overjoyed when they invited us to moochdock in their driveway! They have 3 kids, so Casen and Calista loved having friends to play with. Coeur d’Alene is a beautiful town surrounded by bodies of water. We all rode our bikes to the downtown market night one night, which was a great way to see a lot of the downtown area.

We went fishing one morning, and it was Calista’s first time! Casen, Calista and their oldest son all caught fish so that was really exciting! Check out the pics

There is a BMX pump track in town that was the highlight of the trip in the kids eyes! We went twice to ride for fun, and the second time we were there, they were setting up for a race that evening. The boys decided they wanted to enter! We returned that evening for the race and were really proud of Kellen and Casen. They didn’t win, but had a great experience being in the race. Check out the pics

It was sooo good to reunite with old friends and check out a new town. It’s safe to say that Coeur d’Alene has been added our list of “favorite small-midsize cities” and joins Bend, Sedona and Santa Barbara! We will be back!

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